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Excavator holding car, stuffy car, reason, maintenance treatment method

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Excavator holding car, stuffy car, reason, maintenance treatment method

Release date:2015-09-14 00:00 Source:http://www.ahxdwj.com Views:

Excavator holding car, stuffy car, reason, maintenance treatment method

Anhui modern excavator

Fault performance:

Excavator hold back car and called "excavator hold machine", "boring machine", "boring machine", the main engine of the engine in the case of a sharp decline in engine speed, resulting in engine stall or excavator.

High risk type:

1 second-hand excavator

2 use time is too long excavator

3 not in accordance with the provisions of the regular maintenance of regular maintenance

4 not in accordance with the requirements of the use of the correct operation of the excavator

Failure mode:

1 excavator cold car hold car

2 my car is excavator

My car is 3 excavator cold car

Fault cause:

1 excavator cold car to hold back car trouble reason


Excavator using diesel diesel cold labeling is wrong, viscosity, oil path can not work normally, insufficient fuel.

Engine load and engine speed is not enough.


Excavator PRV solenoid valve voltage is not enough.

Excavator pump pressure is not right.

The engine valve clearance is too big / too small.


My car fault is excavator

When the excavator in use in hot hold car phenomenon, first need to observe whether there is smoke excavator? If there is smoke that excavator oil, fuel pump, engine, engine filter and other possible problem requires a detailed examination. If you don't smoke, common cause is excavator has the following vehicle fault hold:


The temperature after the hot hold car, may be too dirty or oil deterioration of excavator hydraulic system, leakage / leakage, can appear car phenomenon.


My car with the engine speed down the general phenomenon, this need to check out the specific engine speed? Generally turn less than 200 are considered normal, more than 200 are likely to cause my car phenomenon, if the engine is to hold off speed car fault, need to adjust the engine power, which can be matched with the hydraulic pump power, troubleshooting.


My car is also possible when excavator hydraulic system caused by fault, the most common reasons: too large, the pump power pump regulator valve wear, group pressure flow is too large, the internal components of pump wear and so on.


My car is excavator cold car failure

Whether it is cold or hot excavators are hold car, often second-hand excavator or excavator is used for a long time, which leads to the failure of the most common reasons: long time no oil or excavator excavator hit broken hydraulic oil deterioration too fast, excavator diesel pump (high pressure oil pump and nozzle) work bad, excavator engine power is too large excavator, valve group pressure large flow and jet disc wear.

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