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Excavator in the rainy day how to maintain good?

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Excavator in the rainy day how to maintain good?

Release date:2015-09-14 00:00 Source:http://www.ahxdwj.com Views:

Excavator in the rainy day how to maintain good?

Summer is approaching, the rain is more up, then, how should the rain days of the maintenance of Anhui excavator maintenance? Take a look at it!

1 timely cleaning

In the face of heavy rain, should be carried out in a timely manner.

2 paint

Paint the acid rain ingredients of excavator has strong corrosive effect, in the course of time will cause damage to the excavator paint. Therefore, in the more rain season, it is best to give a paint repair capacity of excavator. The simplest is waxing, longer and more effective sealing glair is. No matter what method to the excavator wearing a invisible protective coat, prevent paint fade ageing.

3 chassis care

The chassis is the most close to the ground and the site, by the traffic impact is particularly serious, usually the most easily rusting parts, wheel shell may even loose perforation. Therefore, we must pay attention to the cleaning of the excavator chassis rust treatment, do a chassis anti rust treatment.

4 ignition start

Rainy day, if the engine is not easy to start with, sometimes even reluctant to start up, but also the feeble. The biggest problem may be caused by the leakage of the ignition system due to moisture, and thus lost the normal ignition function.

Once the discovery is due to the ignition system caused by the wet and poor ignition, engine performance decline, it is best to use dry paper towel or dry cloth to dry, and wire, and then use a special desiccant spray tank will be used in the distributor cap, battery connector, line connector, high pressure line, etc., can start the engine.

Anhui excavator

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