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Excavator operation safety protection measures?

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Excavator operation safety protection measures?

Release date:2015-09-14 00:00 Source:http://www.ahxdwj.com Views:

1 excavator transfer site, application of flat Trailer transport. Special circumstances need to transfer, to remove the weight, arm, bucket slewing mechanism should be in the braking position and fixed insurance. 500~1000m for walking mechanism for inspection and lubrication.

2 excavator and operation sites such as the ground soft pad or sleeper pad. The marsh area must be used for the subgrade treatment or replacement of the special crawler board.

Five no excavation of the above 3 levels of rock or frozen soil.

4 when the excavator is working, in addition to the loose soil, its working surface should not exceed the maximum excavation height and depth specified by the machine performance. At the time of operation, the working surface of the excavator is at least the safety distance of the 1~1.5m.

5 before the start of the inspection of the working device, walking mechanism, the Ministry of safety protection device, hydraulic transmission parts and electrical equipment, etc., to confirm the complete, can start.

6 operation area shall be free of obstacles and pedestrians, mining before the sound signal, and try to dig several times, to confirm the normal operation, can be started.

7 when the operation, the excavator should maintain the level of position, the walking mechanism brake, and the crawler wedge.

8 in case of large stones or obstacles, it is to be cleared after the excavation. Do not use the bucket crushing stone and permafrost or by the single tooth hard nut.

9 to dig the cliff should take protective measures. The working face shall not be left with the umbrella along and loose of large stones, such as the risk of landslides should be immediately processed or will be evacuated to safe areas.

10 operations, must be stopped digging machine, when the bucket is not leaving the work surface, not to go back to action, turning braking, turning brakes should be used, shall not use the steering clutch reverse braking.

11 when loading, the bucket to try to lower the car may not impact any part. The car is not parked or over the cab driver and the bucket must be permitted before loading.

The 12 operations, the bucket up and down not too strongly. When you are down, you can't touch the frame or the track.

13 in the operation or walking, is strictly prohibited close to the overhead transmission line, the mechanical and the overhead transmission lines from the safe distance should be in line with the relevant provisions.

The 14 operator left the cab, regardless of the length of time that must be bucket floor.

15 when walking, driving wheel should be in the back, arm parallel with the track brake rotary mechanism, the bucket from the ground about 1m. Down the ramp shall not exceed the maximum allowable slope by machine, slow running downhill, is strictly prohibited on the ramp and sliding speed.

Anhui excavator

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